Sports, Injury & Rehabilitation Therapy

Sport Therapy: Injury prevention and Rehabilitation & enhance Sports Performance

Injury & Pain Therapy: Prevention and Rehabilitation of Injuries. Finding the source of and reducing pain.

Rehabilitation Therapy:  Rehabilitation after an Injury or Surgery


An ideal treatment for anyone that is putting their muscles under stress through an active lifestyle - work or leisure.

From the weekend runner to the professional footballer, sports therapy and massage helps to realign muscle fibers, decreasing pain and enhances performance.

Muscles/tendons/ligaments are manipulated in a way to stretch fibers, decrease scar tissue from previous injuries, increase flexibility, release built up tension and promote excellent blood flow giving a much shorter recovery time than just resting.

Regular massage should be seen as a maintenance program, as it can help keep injuries at bay, ensuring training continues as planned and enhancing sporting activity.

All treatments are tailored to the individuals needs, so specific areas can be concentrated on.

Keeping you active, is our goal.



  • Decreased tissue inflammation.
  • Enhanced tissue healing.
  • Reduced degeneration and risk of damage.
  • Increased balance and coordination.
  • Improved joint health.
  • Spinal and extremity pain relief.
  • Increased mobility and range of motion.
  • Improve posture
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Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy

Injury & Pain Therapy

Injury & Pain Therapy

Rehabilitation Therapy

Rehabilitation Therapy